Portfolio of Works

Collection Index



“Wooditjup Dreaming” Margaret River, W.A | 1500x780mm | Oil Paint of Canvas | 2023

“Smiths Beach” Yallingup, W.A | Oil on Canvas | 165 x 105cm | 2022

“Little Hellfire” Esperance, W.A | Oil on Canvas | 100x100cm | 2023


“Shorebreak” Inspired by the raw swell of the North West where the desert meets the sea. By nights drifting to sleep in my swag to the sound of the Shorebreak out the front of my camp.

The crack and wobble of tons of water folding in on itself then draining back out off the beach.
Sometimes when a big swell would hit during the night I’d wake up to the ground shaking beneath me, other times to find the beach washed away revealing buried slabs of limestone and fossilized coral.

It’s such a wild part of the west coast and a part of this world I will forever hold very close to my heart.

"April Easterlies" Iconic Margaret River- feel the offshore breeze and the smell of the south west coastal shrub. Gnarabup Margaret River

“April Easterlies”